We need someone with experience <a href=" https://www.sosfaim.be/buy-tadalafil-with-dapoxetine.pdf ">pharmacie en ligne dapoxetine</a> Third, Boskin blurs the facts on who has been constructive with respect to deficit reduction. In addressing the Simpson-Bowles plan, he neglects to mention that the plan was dead on arrival when presented in November 2010 because of the implacable opposition of House Republicans, led by Paul Ryan who voted against the plan within the commission. It has long been clear that President Obama is prepared to reach an agreement based on the underlying principles of Simpson-Bowles. But that has not been possible because Congress is unwilling to raise revenues in addition to cutting expenditures. Governor Romney seems to share this resistance, having vowed that he would not accept even $1 of revenue increases for every $10 of expenditure cuts.